Morning, morning!!! I meant to post sooner, but I needed at least an
hour to recover from this mornings insane yoga class. Accidentally, Tanya
and I ended up at what I can only describe as Advanced Masochistic
for-crazy-people-only Power Yoga. I'll leave it at that, because I can't
even begin to explain how hard it was.

Soreness and pulled muscles aside, it is time for Baby Gifts! As you might recall, a few weeks back my friend Jules and I had a neutral baby shower for our friend Lindsey. Well the cute baby is here now, it's a girl and she is so super sweet and cute! Since the baby shower was neutral [yellow and green] I really wanted to girl-it-up a bit now. I crocheted an easy granny square blanket and added a felt heart with 'AVA' embroidered on it, I also made her a flower headband, and the cutest baby shoes I've embellished by far!
Tomorrow I'll show you how I made the blanky and on Wednesday we'll get some shoes=]=]=]
Happy Monday Dolls!!!
Very. Cute:)))))