One of my greatest joys in life is making things and giving them others. Now, it's mostly because those "others" are my friends, but it's also because I ain't no hoarder =] and I've made a lot of crap stuff...
Most of all I love giving Thank You Gifts, but lately I've been stuck in the so called rut and had no good ideas. I did what anyone else would and got on pinterest to find a way out. Here are a few lovely ideas I discovered.

This very first one I adore especially because the second word from the bottom says thank you in Bulgarian. This girl's blog is in Spanish, but from the pictures it looks like she used washi tape and I can't wait to get my hands on some!!!
Most of all I love giving Thank You Gifts, but lately I've been stuck in the so called rut and had no good ideas. I did what anyone else would and got on pinterest to find a way out. Here are a few lovely ideas I discovered.

This very first one I adore especially because the second word from the bottom says thank you in Bulgarian. This girl's blog is in Spanish, but from the pictures it looks like she used washi tape and I can't wait to get my hands on some!!!

And succulents. Ah succulents. Gimme!

I've left dessert for last. Aren't these fun? Pretty, tasty, thoughtful, what more can you ask of a gift?!
Happy Monday Friends!!!
Great, great stuff particularly the bag I like it a lot. I would like also to recommend the Gourmet Basket thank you gift ideas