I'm always interested to see what couples choose as bridesmaids/groomsmen gifts. There are so many options out there; this week I'll be sharing what Brian and I did for our wedding! Up first, the boys!

Brian is very much into beer and anything zombie related, it really is no secret. So when he showed my the groomsmen gifts, it came as no surprise =]
These guys came from Neato Shop. As far as the packaging, I used small black paper bags and black tissue paper from Joann. I made "zombie green" labels with the groomsmen's names in Photoshop and printed them on full sheet label paper, then I just cut them out and stuck them on the bags.

TA-DA!!! Cool and personalized gifts and packaging. The devil's in the details, right?!=]
And now, a few of my favorite pictures of the boys. I still laugh when I look at these.

Happy Tuesday Darlings!!!
These are really cool groomsmne gifts! Very out-of-the-box! Very unique!