

High Five For Friday!!!

Geez this week went by so fast, it feels like I blinked and it was gone! I did manage to do
quite a bit of stuff though, so let's get started =]

1. Last Friday, Jules and I wandered into the even ritzier part of town and ended up walking into Gucci. I'll be honest I had never been in one of their stores and for a good reason. There was just jewelry and watches at this particular store and we were the only ones there besides the girl who worked there. I hate saying this, but we were honestly JUST LOOKING. However she took out almost all of the rings they carried. We tried all of them on haha and took pictures. I really liked the top left spiral one, it's $10.7K, but she said I can have it for $9K hahaha what a bargain! Are they for real?

2. On Saturday Brian and I had a lunch date, which turned into lunch, shopping and then dessert date. I needed a long and comfy shirt to wear with legging on the plane and ZARA delivered as always. I found this cute leopard print shirt and can't wait to wear it.

3. Since we are going from winter here in Peru to winter back in Seattle, I naturally =] needed a winter jacket. I finally found one I loved over at SheInside. Most of my clothes are in storage and I hardly remember what I even have there. It's going to great to have all of my clothes again, I won't need to shop for a good while.

4. Tuesday was a Peruvian holiday, the Battle of Angamos, so the guys had the day off! Jules, Andy, Brian and I drove out to the Andes and went up 4,818 meters elevation. That's high, the Mt. Everest base camp in Tibet is at 5,150 meters above sea level, so pretty close. Read more about the trip here.

5. The end of this project is near and finally we can all head home. The girls and I had a one-last-lunch-in-Peru-together yesterday. It was only logical to have a Peruvian dish, it is also one of my favorite things to have here, causa. It is chicken, egg, avocado, tomato layered between mashed potatoes! YUM!

This week I'm linking up with these lovely ladies:
Lauren @ The Lauren Elizabeth
Jennie @ The Diary of a Real Housewife
Darci @ The Good Life Blog

Hope you all had a fantastic week!
Happy Friday Friends!!!

1 comment:

  1., basically. LOVE!

