

A Story Book Save The Date | Andrea & Spencer

Inspiration, as you may know, as you SHOULD know, is all around. Just like love =]. With that being said, what did people do before all the various social media outlets and image gathering gadgets[:)], I do not know. But anyhow. I was on instagram and found this beauty. It's a save the date stamped on a page from The Fellowship Of The Ring and it is presh! I, naturally, wanted to know more of the HOWs and the WHYs [mostly "Why didn't I think of that?"] involved in the making if it. After some back and forth emailing with the lovely Alexis, I found out that she made these for her sister's wedding. Also that Alexis, Andrea & Spencer [aka Bride & Groom] are huge fans of LOTR and geeks after my own heart.

Here is what you will need, if you want to make your own version of these:
  • white acrylic paint
  • pages from a book
  • a design to apply to the pages
Alexis found the books at a second hand bookstore and ended up using select chapters of two, one is the LOTR and the other Harry Potter. The pages that made it were from the chapters: A Long-expected Party, The Fellowship Of The Ring, Many Meetings, the Unbreakable cute! With the help of friends and family the pages were painted and when dry, they were
stamped. Alexis created the design of the stamp and had it made at Sparkvites. The back of the Save The Date holds a sweet personal touch, the story of how the Bride-and-Groom-to-be met. Turns out their families were friends all along!

Check out the amazingly creative Alexis at her Etsy shop - ATYPeICAL, where she draws up all kinds of wonders. Also, I got a sneak peek of the wedding invitation suite and we are all in for a treat. Can't wait to share that too!

Happy Tuesday Dolls and Happy Crafting!

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