

A Life Update

Hi Darlings! It's been a crazy couple of weeks for me. Last Friday Brian and I FINALLY moved back from Peru, this couldn't happen fast enough! We made some great friends and were sad to leave them behind, even though just for a little while since we are all reuniting in Vegas =]. But I'm not going to lie, it feels so good to be back to cleaner air, wide streets, sane drivers, and my mom's food. Needless to say, I've missed being home! In other news, I've changed my hair again. This time it's side bangs, layers, and it's even blonder. I love it. I am going to miss the fabulous hair salon Tanya and I used to go to, the prices too. Full foil, cut, and style $80! I know, right?!

This is it, the last two years packed into five suitcases and a carry-on. We ended up giving away many of our belongings to friends and still had a hard time fitting everything in! We were lucky and were able to find a fully furnished, super cute too, apartment just a block in from the Pacific Ocean. That might be the thing I'll miss most about Peru. JK but really, it was nice =].

Our plane arrived at about 4pm on November 1st, it was last Friday. My parents picked us up from the airport and took us to their house. There was food, there was wine, there was hugging. Oh, and the puppies didn't miss a chance to lick our faces. On Saturday we were on an early ferry from Seattle to Bremerton to visit Brian's mommy and to pick up his truck. After lunch we were on a ferry back to Seattle. I had a peppermint tea to pick me up. There was some crazy and cold wind that day. That night we met up with our awesome friends, who planned a welcome home party for us. If you are reading this: "Thank you Michelle, Robert, Ashley, Joel, Lindsay, Eric, Geoff, Geoff's cousin, Callie, Akida, Tyler, and Brian L. for coming to celebrate with us! It means very much to us =]!"

Stay tuned for an eventual craft tutorial or maybe even a recipe. Something's a brewin'!

Have a Happy Tuesday Dolls!!!

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