

High Five For Friday!!!

Hello Dolls! Hope you all had a great week. Mine was pretty awesome. We met up with some old friends and made some new ones. Got the green light to pack for home. Explored the Peruvian wine country and as always, we ate some great food.

  • 1. My favorite cafe is now selling homemade English Muffins! They are a bit pricey @ $4.50 for a bag of 4, but so worth it.
  • 2. While getting the muffins, Brian and I sat down for some coffee and shared a Nutella cupcake. [both 1 and 2 happened before I decided to give up gluten]
  • 3. Our good friend Chan came back to visit Peru, he worked with Brian on the project down here, but had gone home a few months earlier. We went out to dinner with him, Andy, Jules and Abe at a place called Panchita.
  • 4. This is a shot of the vineyard we visited in Pachacamac, what a great afternoon that was. Check out that trip here.
  • 5. Yesterday I hung out with Tanya and Miranda and had a blast. We went to lunch, did some souvenir shopping and ended up at this quirky bar where we had Cholopolitans [Cosmopolitan, but with pisco, of course] and boozy Passion Fruit slushies with condensed milk. Hahaha I know, it's weird! But when in Rome...
This week I'm linking up with:
Lauren @ The Lauren Elizabeth
Jennie @ The Diary of a Real Housewife
Darci @ The Good Life Blog
Happy Friday Friends!!!


  1. Visiting from H54F - that cupcake OMG! Yum! Have a good weekend :)

  2. Visiting from the Five on Friday linkup! Love the vineyard picture - gorgeous colors!

    1. It's was an amazing place to visit! Thanks for stopping by.
