

High Five For Friday!

You guys, I'm finally trying this link up thing! Hey now, right?! HaHa =] I've been following this blog that does it every week and now I'm joining the lovely lady behind it! YAY! Here it goes, my 5 fave things
about this week:

I'm finally getting used to my blonde hair! Pretty amazing considering I didn't think it'd happen =]

Thanks to my lovely friend Tanya I started yoga again =]. This is the cute studio we have class in. I really like it so far, although they do some weird stuff. At the end of every class we do shavasana, or corpse pose [it's where you lay down and relax and clear your mind], which is great and I love it. Anyway they give you a tiny bean bag to put over your eyes and everyone breaks out blankets. Haha I mean it's a great idea, but it doesn't last more than 5 to 10 minutes. 

I got to meet baby Ava. She's the little cutie we had a baby shower for a few weeks back. She's adorable and next week I'll share with you the presents I made for her =]!

I perfected my version of the London Fog Latte! It's 2 bags of Earl Grey Tea, 12oz water, 2 tbsp Baileys Vanilla Creamer, 1/4 cup milk, 1 tsp vanilla extract, and 2 tbsp coffee liqueur =] This is the boozy version!


Brian has this Friday off!!! I'm always so happy and thankful when we get to spend more time together =]

Linking up with Lauren for H54F today!

Happy Friday Friends!!!


  1. The yoga studio looks awesome. And OMG your hair. You look great. You can rock those bangs!!!

  2. I love your hair! I was blonde forever and just went brown about a year ago!
    Stopping by from HF5F
    Come link up with us!!

    1. Awe thank you Jennie! I'm really excited I actually did it. I'll link up with you next Friday for sure!
