

Baby Shower Time

As many of you know by now, I embrace any excuse to get together with friends and have a blast. This time around we were celebrating, and anticipating, the upcoming birth of our sweet Lindsey's baby!!!

Lindsey and her hubby Dave didn't want to know if they were having a boy or a girl and this made for an awesome rainbow colored shower.
Jules and I also made our first diaper cake[s]. They turned out fantabulous, as Jules would say =]


For snacks we had tuna and mini pita bread sammies, fresh fruit, hummus with veggies, tea, and some sweet treats.

As favors we gave out flower headbands I made for a post, so stay tuned the tutorial is coming =]

Also tomorrow, I'll show you how easy it was to make the diaper cakes!!!

Happy Tuesday Darlings!

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