

sans souci

 Let's talk about inspiration. What inspires you? What makes sparks fly? Me? I seem to find inspiration in the unlikeliest of places. This one in particular I've loved since I was about 6. I remember my dad telling me about castles and showing me a book about one he'd been to. That's when my love for all things pretty, shiny, and cast in gold started.

Here it is, the Sanssouci Palace in Potsdam, Germany. In French sans souci means carefree, who wouldn't want to live there.
This is the Chinese House. I love everything about it, but the best part has to be the gold leaf statue of the person in a rickshaw with an umbrella, on the roof!!! What? Who does that? Well German royalty certainly does =] LOVE IT!

Leave me some comments, I would love to know what inspires you?

Happy Monday Friends!

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