


A while back I did a post on a template for groomsmen invitations, or ask-your-friends-to-be-in-your-wedding invitations, and so far it has been a hit.

Now it is time for the girls. I put together two very classy, cute, and versatile templates for you lovely brides-to-be to download, personalize and give to your girlfriends. You can download both of these at the end of this post =]

Here is the FIRST one:

 Aren't these sweet! I know, I would love getting one of these. And the best part is you can give your bridesmaids-to-be a little gift, to bribe them you know=]!

Here is the SECOND one:

This is a simple and easy way to ask your bridesmaids. Takes no time at all, unlike what I did for my wedding. Check it out here for more ideas, but it took me f.o.r.e.v.e.r.

The "gifts" I used are things I had in my make up bag, which happened to be the right size. You can really use anything girly and pretty. Just make sure it is on the flatter side, or it wont fit in an envelope. And speaking of envelopes these are the perfect size for an A7 envelope. When printing use at least 80lb paper.

To download the FIRST one go here and here.

To download the SECOND one go here and here.

Enjoy and send me pictures if you end up using them, I'd love to see what you come up with!

Happy Crafting and Happy Wednesday Dolls!!!

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