

This Christmas I am spreading holiday spirit with a card+goody combination! Buying gifts for everyone can be a hassle, so I'm hoping this will make things easier.

I bought these Christmas cards, printed on recycled paper, and they came with matching envelopes; 18 for 5 bucks! I love a good deal!

Supplies I used: holiday tissue paper, ribbon, clear cellophane bags, hot-glue gun, scissors, label maker or paper punch, colored paper for labels.

I folded the tissue paper in half and measured to make sure it will fit in the cellophane bag. Then I cut accordingly and placed the paper in the bag.

When I had my envelopes ready, it was time to add the goodies!

I picked up about 12 of these angel ornaments from a gift shop in Lima! Both a travel and a Christmas gift in one!

I added an ornament to each of the baggies I made, tied with ribbon and curled it. I also had to trim the tops, because they ended up being too long.

Afterwards I hot-glued them to the tops on the paper envelopes ( this one got two, because it's for someone extra special:).

IT'S LABEL TIME! Can I just tell you how excited I am about this label maker?! It is amazing! I've been making labels and punching paper since I got it last week at this lovely stamp shop.

I punched out about a dozen labels and used a glue stick to glue them in the top right corner on the envelopes.

Ta-Da!!! Now all I have to do is write the names on them! (I put them in the place of the stamps, because I'll see everyone this holiday season plus I'd have to insert the whole thing in a shipping envelope if I were to send it out anyway.)

The best thing about this particular paper punch?? You can use the little bracket cut-outs
as tiny mustaches!!!

Happy Wednesday Everyone!!!


  1. Such a great craft for the holiday.

  2. I like the mustache. :) Following now...

  3. Thanks for the follow!! I'm back from vacation so I'll be a ton now:):)

  4. Angela Congdon24 January, 2013

    I love how useful that label punch looks. I'm going to go buy it now :)

  5. Ang, it really is awesome! I've used it on so many different things. It's by a EKTOOLS and you can buy it here:
