

Wedding Invitation | Christmas Ornament | DIY

I love wedding crafts! Just love them! Luckily a few of my girlfriends hove gotten married in the last couple of years, so this Christmas I had quite a bit of wedding related holiday crafts material. This beauty, I made for my girl Lindsay and her husband Eric.

Here is what you'll need to make your very own: one paper wedding invite, rotary cutter, scissors, one clear glass ornament, one round pencil, hot glue and gun [not pictured], thin ribbon in complementary to invite color [not pictured].

First thing you'll need to do is cut up the invitation in ribbons of various sizes. If possible cut around the names, places, dates etc. so they are intact.

The next step is super easy, but a bit repetitive. Twist the paper ribbons tightly, in a spiral fashion, around the round pencil. Repeat until no more paper is left. When you are done twisting, stuff all of the spirals in the glass ornament. I added gray ribbon around the top cap of the ornament and secured it with hot glue. Then I tied a bow, from that same ribbon, and glued it to the "front" of the ornament. You might want to also add a piece of ribbon to the top hoop so you have something to hang your ornament off of.

And TA DA! There you have it, a cute little keepsake to remind your friends of their wedding day and what a great friend you are =]. I used a small brown paper gift bag w/ polka dots to gift wrap it. I got these at Target.

Hope you enjoyed today's craft! Would you do this for your friends? Or even for yourself? Share your thoughts, I'd love to hear =]!!!

Happy Wedding Wednesday Dolls!

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