

Our Wedding on The Knot | Happy Dance

So this happened yesterday...
Our sweet, dear, amazing wedding photographer (I really can't say enough about how great she is) Arlene submitted our wedding to The Knot a few months back. I remember her saying we'll hear soon if it's a go and then I kind of forgot about it until... yesterday! I was stalking people on FB as usual when she tagged me in the best post of my life!!! HAHAHA I know it sounds a little dramatic, but I felt like I won an award HAHA! I put so much time and effort into all the details and into picking out just the right vendors that this really means so much more to me than anyone would know!

You can find the feature here. The is a small vendors list at the top of it, if you are interested in any of our other vendors just shoot me an email. Also here is my one advise on wedding planning, pick the right people and let them take care of it all. Weddings can be done on a budget and you don't have to go breaking the back just to get married. I promise there are still honest and reasonable vendors out there =]!

Oh and if you want even more wedding pictures, check out Arlene's page here.

Have a Happy Tuesday Darlings!


  1. SO GORGEOUS! Absolutely breath taking. <3

  2. Anddddd.... I just stalked your website. You guys are so perfect for each other - looking at your photos I feel like we could be best friends, haha. I love how laid back and relaxed your engagement photos are!!!

    1. Awe you are so funny! And I bet we would be besties too! Thank you for the kind words, we had a blast taking pictures it seriously is my favorite! lol
